Patterson Kilgore Group

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Nov 17, 2023

While a jump from another driver or roadside assistance can help start up your car, you should always visit your Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram or Chevrolet dealer in Kilgore, TX for service after your car won’t start because of a dead battery. At the dealership, you can buy a new car battery and get back on the road quickly. 

Getting a New Car Battery for Your CDJR or Chevy

In general, the battery in a new car can last for as long as three to five years. Your driving habits, routine maintenance, and road conditions can all contribute to how fast your battery dies. If you take very good care of your battery, you might not need to replace it for more than five years after purchasing a new car. 

There are several signs that can indicate you have a bad car battery. Along with a car that won’t start, these other signs include a car that doesn’t hold a charge, a car that has ignition issues, a car with dim or flickering exterior lights, and a car with weak dashboard and interior lights. You might also have a bad car battery if your power windows are slow to roll up or down. 

What Can Make a Car Battery Go Bad?

Sometimes, your behavior as a driver can drain your battery faster. If you leave the lights on when the engine isn’t running, this can deplete your battery charge more quickly. Extremely hot and cold temperatures can also affect the performance of your battery. If you don’t follow the recommended service schedule for your vehicle, this can also cause your battery to die more quickly because battery health checks are common for routine maintenance. 

Can Your Jeep Dealer Tell If Your Battery Isn’t the Issue?

Oftentimes, issues related to your car battery can be confused with issues related to your alternator. Both the battery and alternator play important roles in regulating the performance of the electrical components of your vehicle. As a driver, it’s easy to get these two parts confused. However, at the dealership, mechanics have access to diagnostic tools that can determine whether your battery or alternator is the root cause of your vehicle’s issues. 

You might have a bad alternator if your car dies immediately after a jump start. A car that misfires on the road or a car with a battery outside the recommended voltage range can also be a sign of a bad alternator. Your alternator may go bad because of fluid leaks, wear and tear, or age. 

If you notice issues with the electrical features of your vehicle, or you’re having trouble starting your car, the cause might be a battery that is about to die. Schedule a service appointment with Patterson Kilgore Group to replace your car battery today.